Messy Reading


You know that feeling when a book jumps off a shelf and says take me home?  I had that feeling with this book “Glorious Mess: Encountering God’s Relentless Grace for Imperfect People”.  Grace…that is a word I seem to lack in my life. Grace for me or others seems to be lacking. 
Anyways, I started to read this amazing book but then slowly I was losing interest. I realized that it wasn’t as new and exciting as when I first picked it up.  Then I realized I have a huge bookcase with half read books.  I love the first half of the book, the dating phase I call it.   But when it comes time to finish the book, I lose interest fast!
That bookcase full of half read books, probably has tips to help my life, encouraging words I need to hear, and life lessons I need to learn.  Instead they sit unread and dusty. 
I have decided that this year I will finish some of those dusty messy books. First I started with Glorious Mess. I would like to say that my whole life is changed by finishing that book but alas it isn’t.  But maybe something small is starting to change.  A bit of hope has started to grow. Hope that makes me realize that I  can change my life.  Change by just making little everyday decisions.   Cause really that is all change is, one little decision after another.   I build it up to be this huge thing but only one decision is needed at a time. 
So this is my messy reading journey that I am undertaking this year. One dusty book at a time.  Next book to finish is The Birth Order book. 🙂

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